Responsible training

In order to make our students more aware of issues related to the digital society, Télécom Paris makes personal and professional skills training a part of its engineering curriculum:



The PACE project (focused on written communication practices and analyses) is a writing project on a topic of the student’s choice to introduce them to research and help them develop meticulous and creative writing skills.

  • Isabelle GarronResearch Professor in analysis and design of innovative servicesTélécom Parisemailemail

ETIC – Controversy analysis

ETIC is a controversy analysis course for first-year engineering students. It strives to make students aware of the sociopolitical aspects of technology, in the information and communication age. Additionally, it gives students the opportunity to become familiar with social sciences and humanities methodologies, at the crossroads between the sociology of science and technology and the sociology of business, scandals and great causes. By examining a controversial subject and studying all aspects of the debates surrounding it – the various stakeholders, their arguments and how positions have changed over time – students gain an understanding of how scientific discoveries and technological innovations « test » society, at times giving rise to ethical or political conflicts.

This course challenges you to look at debates sparked by research and innovation: effects of endocrine disruptors, implications of biometric passports, influence of violent video games etc. It gives you the opportunity to carry out a collaborative investigation and present the results in the form of a website or a fictional creation (theatrical sketch, short film, sound and musical creation).

  • Benjamin LoveluckResearch Professor in digital societyTélécom Parisemailemail

Equal opportunity and social engagement

Our engineering students may take part in two personal and professional skills training modules to help them learn about equal opportunity and social engagement. In the first module, you’ll discover the various parties involved in promoting equal opportunity, particularly in education, and participate in a support program through our wide range of partner organizations and institutions. In the second, you’ll learn how to fight against exclusion and use digital innovations to create social benefit. You will observe and participate in a solidarity initiative using digital media.

  • Alan HornsteinSocial diversity officerTélécom Parisemailemail
  • Julien MorelResearch professor in the analysis of interactions in technologized environmentsTélécom Parisemailemail

Responsible innovation

This course focuses on both the « theoretical » or conceptual dimension of responsible innovation and research (genesis, financial aspect, implications in the field of research and design) and on its applications. It offers a specific module and several talks on Green IT (technologies designed or used to reduce negative effects of human activity on the environment) and eco-design. The Fairphone case is one of the applications which will be explored.

  • Caroline RizzaResearch ProfessorTélécom Parisemailemail

Training responsible managers

The personal and professional training module will: help you develop your interpersonal and behavioral skills related to work situations, encourage you to reconsider your professional and personal practices by contrasting experienced or observed attitudes and behaviors, foster your creativity and ability to innovate, prepare you for organizational settings by helping you think about different aspects of your motivation and career goals, and allow you to take part in solidarity initiatives. All of this will help you become a responsible manager.

  • Nicolas RolletResearch professor in human interactionsTélécom parisemailemail