Computer sciences and networks (INFRES)

The widespread digitization in all areas of the company’s activities, whether in industry, commerce, transport, services, health …, imposes on researchers and engineers, a large number of scientific challenges as much complex as exciting. The Computer sciences and networks department (INFRES) addresses some of these challenges on the basis of its expertise in areas such as: architecture, design and verification of software systems and communication networks, data science,the interaction between man and machine, security, mobility, or the control of energy consumption.

Distributed systems occupy a privileged place at the heart of the research carried out by the department whether they are of reasonable size (the network in the plane of the future) or of planetary scale. They have applications in all areas:  Internet of Things, cloud computing, smart grid, smart city, connected car, cryptocurrency, etc …

The department sees its research activity at the confluence of computing and telecommunications, in which knowledge, communication and calculation complement each other.







  • Données, intelligence, graphes [DIG]
  • Mathématiques de l’information, des communications et du calcul [MC2]
  • Réseaux, Mobilité et Services [RMS]
  • Systèmes embarqués critiques autonomes [ACES]
  • Sécurité et Réseaux [CCN]
  • Information Quantique et Applications [IQA]
  • Visualisation et applications d’interaction de conception [DIVA]

Teams’ description is temporarily available only in French.

Department director

  • Gérard MemmiEnseignant-chercheurTélécom ParisTel : 01 75 31 97 64emailemail
  • Benjamin MemmiElève Master 2 MECENCLITélécom Parisemailemail

Department members

  • Jacques SakarovitchDir. de Rech CNRSTélécom Parisemailemail
  • Yves GuiardDirecteur de rech CNRSTélécom Parisemailemail
  • Noëmie SimoniProfesseur émériteTélécom Parisemailemail
  • Katarzyna Maria KapustaDoctoranteTélécom Parisemailemail
  • Hervé ChabanneTélécom Parisemailemail
  • Antoine LobsteinTélécom Parisemailemail
  • Sihem MesnagerProf invité équipe C2, infresTélécom Parisemailemail
  • Hugues RandriambololonaTélécom Parisemailemail
  • Victor MarsaultChargé de recherche CNRS en poste au LIGMTélécom Parisemailemail


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  • Pas d’évènements prévus actuellement.No events currently scheduled.