CRDN collections

CRDN collections covers five mains areas

Publication room

1 MathématiquesScientific collection (mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry and biology, electronics, engineering sciences, information and signal theory and  telecommunications) with a focus on the digital field.

Indicated by the blue cubes (from 1 to 8) at the top of the shelves.


9 Sc. économiques

Ecomonic and social sciences and Humanities and Social sciences collection (economic science, management, law, sociology, psychology, philosophy, education, linguistics, history and civilization and travel guides.

Indicated by the yellow cubes (from 9 to 12.6) at the top of the shelves.


L 12.43 LanguesLanguage books (Arab, Chinese, English, French, French as a foreign language, German, Italian, Japonese, Russian – Polish, Spanish – Portuguese and Sign Language).

Indicated by the grey cube at the top of the shelves.

Lounge area

Novels (Arab, Chinese, English, French, French as a foreign language, German, Italian, Japonese, Russian – Polish, Spanish – Portuguese).



Comic books and graphic novels (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Silent comics).




Art and culture (Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Street art, Photography, Cinema, Music, Museums, Art and Sciences).