Site web personnelPersonal Web Site
Équipe de recherche :Research Team:
Design, Interaction, Visualization & Applications (DIVA)Design, Interaction, Visualization & Applications (DIVA)
Laboratoire :Laboratory:
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI)Information Processing and Communication Laboratory (LTCI)
Département :Department:
Informatique et Réseaux (Infres)Computer Sciences and Networks (Infres)
Eric Lecolinet is in charge of the DIVA research team (Design, Interaction, Visualization & Applications) within the LTCI laboratory, of which he is a member of the board. He is President of the AFIHM (French-speaking Association of Human-Computer Interaction).
His current research topics focus on tactile interfaces (artificial skin, multi-modalities…), graphical interfaces, spatial interactions, but also gesture learning in robotics.
He is in charge for Télécom Paris of the PIXLS and IRIS platforms which are part of th Digiscope EquipeX, a network of high-performance platforms for interactive visualization. He is scientific manager of the Fablab, the digital manufacturing laboratory of Télécom Paris.
He also teaches, as part of the engineering background at Télécom Paris, the development of 2D, 3D, Mobile and Web interactive applications; HMI and programming (C, C++, Swing…).
CHI 2023 Conference Highlights
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Design interaction perception, Faculty Members — 05/04/2023Works from Télécom Paris faculty are about to be awarded at CHI 2023, ACM CHI Conference on [...]La réalité virtuelle face aux risques de détournements malveillants (Le Monde)
PhD, Design interaction perception — 20/10/2022Provoquer une chute... réelle : un scénario de manipulation de la réalité [...]Skin-On : une membrane tactile qui imite la peau humaine
PhD, Design interaction perception — 22/10/2019Marc Teyssier, doctorant à Télécom Paris et des scientifiques de Sorbonne Université et l’Université [...]Du digital presqu’en chair et en os
Design interaction perception — 02/05/2019Avec MobiLimb, il s’agit d’ajouter de nouvelles capacités aux dispositifs mobiles existants, à commencer par le [...]