Joe Wiart

Corps des Mines Engineer
Holder of the « Modelling, Characterisation and Control of Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves » Chair

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Joe Wiart, Corps des Mines Engineer (92) HDR 95 PHD 95 is, since 2015, the holder of the Chair « Modelling, Characterisation and Control of Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves » (C2M) at the IMT(Institut Mines-Télécom). He has led or contributed to many national and international projects dedicated to dosimetry such as the European Lexnet project, or the ANSES Acte and AMPERE projects. His research interests are in numerical methods and statistics applied in electromagnetism and stochastic dosimetry. His work has resulted in more than 130 publications in peer-reviewed journals and more than 200 conference papers.

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

Research interests

Dosimetry, numerical methods, artificial intelligence and statistics applied in electromagnetism and stochastic dosimetry.

C2M Chair

Created in 2015, the « Modeling, Characterization and Control of Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves » research chair brings together researchers from Télécom Paris and IMT Atlantique with the support of the French National Frequency Agency. This theme is a major societal issue.

It contributes to the characterization, analysis and modeling of exposures to electromagnetic waves induced by telecommunication systems and networks. These results are used to feed the standardization work carried out in this field. Societal aspects, such as risk perception, are also addressed in a multidisciplinary technological, sociological and philosophical framework.

Within this chair, research work is conducted along five main axis:

  • Axis 1: Numerical and experimental dosimetry
  • Axis 2: Statistical modelling of exposure, stochastic dosimetry
  • Axis 3: Influence of network technologies and architectures on the exhibition
  • Axis 4: Standardization of exposure assessment methods
  • Axis 5: Parameters governing the social perception of risk

For more information

And also

President of the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) TC106x in charge of standards relating to human exposure.
President of the « Comité d’orientation de l’observatoire Ondes-Paris » of the City of Paris since 2018.
President of the k Commission of the International Union of Radio Sciences (URSI) and former President of URSI-France (CNFRS).
Emeritus member of the Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE) since 2008 and senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 2002.
Former head of the Orange (formerly France Telecom) research unit in charge of studies on human exposure to electromagnetic fields.

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