Portrait Duong Hieu Phan
Duong Hieu Phan


Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Phan Dương Hiệu has been a professor at Télécom Paris since 2020.  He is head of the Cybersecurity-Cryptography team.

He obtained a Ph.D degree  at Ecole Normale Supérieure, under the supervision of David Pointcheval, then spent 15 months as postdoctoral researcher at University College London and 9 months as a research engineer at France Telecom R&D. From 2007 to 2015, he was an assistant/associate  professor at LAGA, University of Paris 8-13 and from 2015 to 2020, he was a professor at XLIM, University of Limoges and the director of the Master 2 Maths CRYPTIS.

List of publications.

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

His research is focused on cryptography, in particular on provable security for cryptographic schemes including Public-key encryption, Digital Signature, Broadcast Encryption, Traitor Tracing, Functional Encryption and Decentralized Cryptosystem.

He is a member of ASIACRYPT’s Steering Committee since 2013 and a member of IACR BoD 2015-2016 , as a General co-Chair for ASIACRYPT ’16 in Hanoi, Vietnam. He participate in the CNRS LIA ForMath Vietnam Singapore as a member of the scientific committee.

He will/have been in the (selected) program committees of IACR ASIACRYPT (2022,2021, 2020, 2019), ACM ASIACCS (2022, 2021), ACISP 2019, Journée Codage & Cryptographie ’18 , ACISP ’18 , ISC ’17 , IACR ASIACRYPT ’14 , IACR PKC ’10, IACR EUROCRYPT ’09, ISC ’09, Vietcrypt ’06.

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