Portrait Samuel Huron
Samuel HuronAssociate Professor

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Dr. Samuel Huron is an information designer and associate professor in the Design of information technologies inside the Social and Economical Science department of Télécom Paris (https://www-test.telecom-paris.fr/) at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and part of the CNRS Institut Interdisciplinaire de l’Innovation. His research address how humans create visual and physical representations of abstract information to think, collaborate, learn, analyze, explore, and design new data representations, systems, and information artifacts. He leads the design studio telecom Paris tech at Telecom Paris, Interact team, and Diva HCI team. He is an alumni of Innovis LabENSAD Lab , INRIA , Université Panthéon Sorbonne. He worked as the lead designer of the research institute of the Pompidou Center. His approach is grounded in fifteen years of experience in both interactive media industries, where he worked with a broad range of civic, cultural, and corporate clients. Before doing research, he was engaged in new media art and worked with video art labels on an art installation, video mixing, and live performances. He presented and performed some of these works in thirteen shows or exhibitions in various places, including art museums, parties, and festivals. For his Ph.D. on Constructive Visualization, he was awarded the “Best doctoral dissertation award” from IEEE VGTC Pioneer Group.

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects

His research is mostly focused on the design process of visual representation of data and design methods applied to research and computer-human interaction. His approach is grounded in fifteen years of experience in the industry with interactive media, where he worked for a broad range of civic, cultural, and corporate clients.

Interrogation du serveur HAL en cours...Waiting for HAL server...

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