Gaël RichardProfessor
Scientific co-director of Hi! Paris

Repères biographiquesShort Biography

Gaël Richard is Professor at Télécom Paris, Institut polytechnique de Paris and scientific co-director of Hi! Paris. His research work lies at the core of digitization and is dedicated to the analysis, transformation, understanding and automatic indexing of acoustic signals (including speech, music, environmental sounds) and to a lesser extent of heterogeneous and multimodal signals. In particular, he developed several source separation methods for audio and musical signals based on machine learning approaches.

Gaël Richard has received in 2020 the Grand Prix IMT-Académie des Sciences — read his interview on I’mTech

He is also awarded in 2022 of an advanced ERC grant of the European Union on AI for sounds for the project HI-Audio —- Check the current open positions.

More information (Preprints, Publications, CV,….) on the  Personal web site or on Google scholar

Activités : enseignement, recherche, projetsActivities : Teaching, Research, Projects


My research interests are mainly in the field of machine learning and speech/audio signal processing and include topics such as:

    • Signal representations and signal models : Subspace methods, sparse representation, atomic decomposition, Non NEgative MAtrix factorisation (NMF), Source Separation…
    • Machine learning methods for audio/music signals : machine listening, Music Information Retrieval (MIR), Audio/Music indexing, Speech/audio segmentation, Speech/music emotion recognition.
    • Models for multipitch estimation in polyphonic music signals, rythmn/beat estimation,musical instrument recognition
    • Audio Coding and 3D Audio
    • Multimedia and speech signal analysis, speech synthesis


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